Our News
Corona Virus Statement

The effects of the Coronavirus on countries and communities across the world have been harsh, destructive and swift. It has now arrived in Ireland, and since last Thursday we have seen at first-hand how quickly and thoroughly a pandemic such as this can change the status quo in society.
The health of our communities is paramount, and we applaud the excellent work of the medical personnel in all jurisdictions, together with other front line agencies, as they endeavour to diagnose, treat and heal those of us who are vulnerable or who have been infected.
We understand and support the state-led call for containment and social distancing. This is the right thing to do. However, the short to medium term economic, social and mental consequences will be serious at best, if not devastating.
We are a small business, and the effective closure of the hospitality sector in Ireland and abroad will result in straightened times for us in the weeks and months ahead. We remain open for business and fully intend to weather this storm, but it will be difficult. Yet whilst we face up to the severity of our own situation, our thoughts and prayers are also with our wide network of friends, customers and suppliers in the food, drink and hospitality sector, both here in Ireland, but also across the globe, who have had to make much more painful decisions than us over the last 72 hours.
We will come through this painful time together. Social distancing, or even social isolation, does not mean social exclusion. The elastic is stretched, but we are still connected. Socially, economically, nationally and internationally – we are connected. This is the bedrock of our strength and fortitude in the face of adversity.
Look after yourselves, your families and your communities. Support local business. And whenever possible keep on drinking gin!
To your health!
Antony & Justin