Our News

Bertha’s Revenge Gin and our ‘Herd Immunity’ hand sanitiser are now on sale online through NeighbourFood. It’s a ‘click and collect’ model and all of the products listed in a NeighbourFood market are grown or produced by local farmers or artisan producers.
The sale of any large-scale commercially grown vegetables, non-organic imported fruit or vegetables, genetically modified products, intensively reared meat, imported fish or battery eggs are not permitted to be sold at a NeighbourFood market. Imported organic fruit and vegetables may not be sold when the same organic produce is in season in your area. Artisan foods from abroad, which are not freely available in your area, may be sold on account that these products are sourced from small importers with sustainable business practices.
It’s a fantastic way to support your local producers. There are several Neighbourfood Markets dotted around the country. Bertha is available at three of our local Neighbourfood Markets: Watergrasshill - collections from O’Mahony’s of Watergrasshill. East Cork - collections from Ballymaloe Cookery School. Cork City Market - collections from the Apple Market, 13A Barrack St, Cork.
- Click here to register and shop.