Our News
Bertha's Revenge 'Herd Immunity' Hand Sanitiser

We are following the World Health Organisation guidelines and we have produced a liquid hand sanitiser and disinfectant that is highly effective and carries an alcohol content of between 75% to 80%. It’s quick drying and is ideal for refillable spray bottles.
We will be making our sanitiser available to the public and to people in need in our community. Hand sanitiser plays a vital role is reducing and slowing the infection rates of Covid-19.
Please contact us on 025 36349 or email info@ballyvolanespirits.ie if you need supply.
We can supply in bulk too if you are looking for large volumes of hand sanitiser.
You can order online (click and collect) through NeighbourFood. Bertha’s Revenge ‘Herd Immunity’ Hand Sanitiser is in three NeighbourFood markets; Watergrasshill, Cork City and East Cork.
Keep safe and keep healthy!